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We love helping new customers with loans; however, we do have certain criteria that must be met in order to get approved. 
We understand that not everyone's credit is perfect and circumstances change. We are willing to review and consider all applications.
Below are Some Guidelines to Assist in Applying:
Must have stable and verifiable employment
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Able to provide 2 current bank statements
Verify your current residence with a power/water bill or the phone number of your landlord
Provide security for the loan in case of default
Examples: Auto security or 4 personal property items with names and serial numbers
(electronic, guns, etc.)
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Generally, a minimum credit score of 600 is required, however we consider all applications. Some exceptions will be permitted, such as providing an auto title for collateral. Title should be 7 years old or less.
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Must not have more than 3 open loans with other lenders
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A valid South Carolina license
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Must have lived in the upstate for at least 6 months

Decisions are subject to liberal credit policies. We do not discriminate due to religious beliefs, political views, ethnicity, gender, or other lifestyle choices. 


M, Tues, Thurs., Fri.: 9am - 5pm

Wednesday: 9am - 1pm

Saturday: CLOSED

Sunday: CLOSED


ADDRESS: 225 N Poinsett Hwy, Travelers Rest, SC 29690

TEL: (864) 834-9054  |  ABCFINANCETR.COM

© 2023 by Annex. Proudly created with


The types of personal information ABC Finance collects and shares depends on the product or service you have with us. This information can include social security and income information, account balances, transaction history and payment history, as well as credit history and employment information. All financial companies need to share customers' personal information for everyday business. Sharing information for business purposes would include processing your transactions, maintaining your accounts, responding to court orders, or reporting to credit bureaus. Your personal information is collected when you open or pay to your account, provide wage information, provide employment information, or show your driver's license or government issued ID. 


To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings. Only those employees who need access to your account for the purpose of performing their job responsibilities are authorized access. 

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